Free testing offered by the Information is Power program is supported entirely by philanthropic donations.

Thanks to the generosity of our sponsors and donations from individuals, we have provided over 6000 tests to Alabamians over 8 years. Over 4000 of those tests were provided at no cost. 

Information is Power is for everyone. We are committed to making this program available to our community in 

Over the past year, we have focused significant resources and efforts on outreach in underserved and underrepresented individuals throughout the state. With support from funders throughout the state, we have expanded our initiative to include partners all over Alabama that can help us reach members of underserved communities including Alabama A&M University, Alabama State University, Miles College, local healthcare providers in the Montgomery area including Dr. John Jernigan of Mulberry Associates and a new partnership with Rural Health Medical based in Selma, AL. Those efforts have increased our minority participation from 3% to nearly 10% in one year. We still have work to do but are thankful for our partners and supporters for sharing our vision of making this opportunity available and accessible to all. We are committed to continuing our programing in the local community as we expand beyond North Alabama. 

Thank you for considering supporting us. You may make a donation and indicate that you’d like your contribution to support Information is Power.

Funders: Alabama Power, Russel Hill, Community Foundation’s Racial Disparity Fund, Breast Cancer Research Foundation of Alabama, Jane K. Lowe Foundation

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