Welcome to the HudsonAlpha Educator Resource Hub. Your one-stop shop for supporting materials, some developed by HudsonAlpha and some created by partner educators. Scroll through the categories to find free lesson plans, activities, digital tools and classroom content tips. Resources are curated by content, type of resource and developer. Designed to enhance your life science instruction at multiple grade levels, these resources are freely available and updated often. Click here to learn more about Educational Outreach at HudsonAlpha.

Cells & Cell Processes

Supporting student understanding of cell structures, functions and processes, these resources make the “micro” approachable.


Classroom Supports

Collection of resources that support Science and Engineering Practices, Cross-Cutting Concepts, and Literacy strategies that can be applied to a variety of life science content.


Heredity & Variation

How are traits passed from parent to offspring? These resources help students move from Mendel to modern sequence analysis.


Interactions, Energy & Dynamics

Find materials here that support student investigations of cellular energetics, ecosystem dynamics and inter-relationships.


Molecules of Life

Activities addressing the molecules that provide structure to living things. Explore carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids and lipids using a variety of mechanisms.


Technology & Tools

This collection contains resources that help students understand modern biotechnology tools. Explore tools that utilize digital delivery to engage students with life science content.


Educational Kits for Purchase

Take your students’ comprehension to the next level with educator-approved, hands-on kits and activities. HudsonAlpha’s interactive kits, available for purchase through Carolina Biological Supply Company, provide engaging and memorable learning experiences through which students achieve a clearer understanding of genetics, genomics and biotechnology-related content.