June 23 – July 18, 2025*
Monday through Friday, 1 – 5 pm
*(no meeting on July 4th)

The HudsonAlpha Biotech Academy is an intensive, four-week active learning experience designed to provide a strong foundation in research lab skills as well as an introduction to the latest discoveries in genetics, genomics and biotechnology.

In Academy, students learn basic molecular biology techniques, discover how to identify plant and animal species based on their DNA sequence, study the concepts of genetic engineering by producing and purifying red fluorescent protein and delve into the emerging field of synthetic biology. Additionally, Academy participants visit research labs and associate companies at the HudsonAlpha Institute to explore the various careers and professions available in the field of biotechnology, exposing them to world-class scientists and cutting-edge technology.

The 2025 Biotech Academy concludes by recognizing the students’ hard work to their families, teachers, and friends.

Attendees are rising juniors or seniors who have been nominated by their school’s science department. If you are an eligible student interested in being nominated to represent your school at the HudsonAlpha Biotech Academy, please talk with your life science teacher and express your interest in being nominated. Teacher nominations will begin being accepted in February 2025.

One participant will be selected from each of the following high schools:

Alabama School of Cyber Technology & Engineering
Bob Jones High School
Buckhorn High School
Columbia High School
Grissom High School
Hazel Green High School
Huntsville High School

James Clemens High School
Jemison High School
Lee High School
Madison Academy
Madison County High School
New Century High School

New Hope High School
Providence Classical School
Randolph School
Sparkman High School
St. John Paul II Catholic High School
Westminster Christian Academy
Whitesburg Christian Academy

For more information check out the FAQs. Still have questions? Contact us at edoutreach@hudsonalpha.org.

The Biotech Academy is made possible through a generous donation from Jean Wessel Templeton.