Conferences and Seminars

AAGB Conference
The 12th International Conference of the Peanut Research Community on Advances in Arachis through Genomics and Biotechnology (AAGB-2023) was held October 16-19, 2023 at the HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology. This conference brings together the world’s top researchers, scientists, and peanut industry leaders to exchange ideas, expand their network, and discuss the latest trends in the global peanut community.
With the delivery of advanced genomic tools, the future is now here to tackle the most important and complex problems facing peanut production: food safety and security, drought and heat stress, and aflatoxin contamination.

Immunogenomics Conference
The Immunogenomics conference brings together more than 200 researchers and thought leaders from around the globe exploring the application of genomic technologies to understand the immune system and the development of disease. The conference provides attendees the opportunity to engage in science discussions, network with experts in the field of immunogenomics and discover the “what’s next” in immunogenomics and how it will help shape the future of human health.
The seventh Immunogenomics conference was held October 28-30, 2019 at the Champalimaud Foundation in Lisbon, Portugal.

CROPS Conference
Leading genomics researchers and plant breeders from around the world convene at the HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology for the CROPS conference, which examines the latest genomic technology in plant breeding and crop improvement. Co-hosted by HudsonAlpha and the University of Georgia, CROPS brings together leading researchers applying genomic-based techniques to crop improvement, plant molecular breeding experts, and traditional breeders interested in applying these techniques within their crops of interest.
The annual CROPS conference was held June 3 – 6, 2024 at HudsonAlpha. For more information about speakers, abstracts, and poster submissions and to register, visit