
Renowned tumor immunology researcher presents at HudsonAlpha

A special seminar at HudsonAlpha on May 7 featured Francesco Marincola, MD. Dr. Marincola is the chief research officer at Sidra Medical and Research Centre in Doha, Qatar, and was previously was previously a tenured senior investigator at the National Institutes of Health.

Dr. Marincola received his MD from the University of Milan and completed his surgery training at Stanford University. He has done extensive research in tumor immunology by developing strategies for studying tumor-host interactions in the context of human genetic polymorphism and cancer heterogeneity. During his tenure as a senior staff scientist with the National Cancer Institute Surgery Branch, Dr. Marincola investigated the identification of the algorithm responsible for tumor rejection by immune cells, particularly in the context of metastatic melanoma. Prior to accepting a position as chief research officer at Sidra Medical and Research Centre in Doha, Qatar, Dr. Marincola held a postion at AbbVie Biotherapeutics Corp. in California as a distinguished research fellow in the field of immune oncology.

Jian Han, MD, PhD, hosted the Monday seminar. More information on HudsonAlpha Research Seminars, including an upcoming schedule, can be found at