
HudsonAlpha celebrates DNA Day

The Power of ThoughtIt’s that time of year when the HudsonAlpha Institute doors open and the public is invited to come in for tours, talks and hands-on experiments. On Friday, April 23, celebrate DNA Day at HudsonAlpha and learn about the institute’s mission and work.

Festivities will kick off at noon with a dedication of the newly installed sculpture Power of Thought, located near the entrance of the HudsonAlpha Institute.  Tours and hands-on experiments begin at 1 p.m.  Click here for directions to the institute.

DNA Day schedule:

Noon Dedication of Power of Thought. This sculpture by Victor Issa, was gifted to the institute by HudsonAlpha co-founder Jim Hudson.
1 – 4 p.m. Tours, hands-on learning with DNA extractions and a new lab Risky Business, DNA Day Art Exhibition
1:30 – 2:15 p.m. Talk – Biotech 101 with Dr. Neil Lamb, director of educational outreach
2:30 – 3:30 p.m. Talk – State of the Institute with Dr. Rick Myers, president and director