
Support HudsonAlpha on Alabama Gives Day

On Thursday, February 2, our community will come together for Alabama Gives Day, a 24-hour period of unprecedented nonprofit giving. This is your chance to make a real difference, right here in your community. 

We hope you mark your calendar and consider making an online donation to HudsonAlpha on Alabama Gives Day. You can designate your gift for genomic research designed to help develop improved diagnostics and treatments for many of the world’s most devastating diseases or educational outreach programs that inspire Alabama’s next generation of scientists.

Giving is easy. Just click on the Alabama Gives Day logo where it says "please donate" and you will be taken to a secure giving site.

Finally, a special thanks to Atlanta Bread Company. Donate to HudsonAlpha on Alabama Gives Day and ABC owners Cheryl and David Walker will give you a free cup of coffee. Just bring in your online receipt!

Thank you for your support of Alabama Gives Day and HudsonAlpha! If you have any questions, please email Karen Petersen.

Alabama Gives Day logo