This is the HudsonAlpha Style Guide. It is a dynamic document and will be updated as needed. Please refer to this document for questions about words and terms commonly used by HudsonAlpha in materials and on the web. If you have words or terms you feel need to be added for consistent use across the institute please email: This style guide is created and maintained by the HudsonAlpha communications team.
152 acre campus. The mile long helix pathway |
2005 HudsonAlpha founded |
2008 HudsonAlpha opened |
more than 45 biotech companies on campus (as of Jan 2021) |
Nov 15, 2015. The Smith Family Clinic for Genomic Medicine opened |
Alzheimer disease (Alzheimer’s is also correct, but Rick prefers Alzheimer disease) |
AGHI The Alabama Genomic Health Initiative |
agriscience |
afterschool (adj.); after school |
Associate Companies: Bioscience companies located on the campus of HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology (they are not “at HA” or are HA companies since they are not owned by HudsonAlpha) (legal). It’s also accurate to say HudsonAlpha resident associate companies (resident implies that they are like a tenant here on campus) |
biotech |
Beyond the Blog, reference together as Shareable Science: Beyond the Blog |
BioTrain intern |
collaboration instead of partnership or partners (legal request) |
Center for Genomic Medicine |
Center for Plant Science & Sustainable Agriculture |
Chair positions – example M. A. Loya Chair in Genomics or full title Rick Myers, PhD, President and Science Director and M. A. Loya Chair in Genomics at the HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology
clopidogrel bisulfate (brand name Plavix®) With drugs lowercase generic name but cap brand name and put registration or trademark
Codicem official name of SDI’s software. SDI calls it CODI for short but in the media refer to Codicem |
Copyright/Registration and Trademarks. If a company is registered or trademarked like iCubate, put ® or ™ on the first mention of the name and then leave off after that. Same with programs like Genome Gateway®. We have a list of registered companies in our team folder. Registration is option r and TM is option 2 on the keyboard and it needs to be superscript and not just full point size. AP style does not use the trademark or copyright symbols so we can leave it out of press releases and stories. Our press releases about iCubate/iRep do have the symbol, but that is because the companies request that we do so. When it comes to materials and publications, the ® or ™ is used from our list.
Crohn’s disease |
cutting edge (two words, no hyphen) |
Do not say “Dr.,” instead add degree after the name. (Neil Lamb, PhD). At second mention, use last name only (Lamb instead of Neil Lamb, PhD) |
de novo –italics when used |
Drugs lowercase generic name but cap brand name and put registration or trademark |
E. coli –italics when used |
Educational Outreach is org not just Education |
Faculty Investigators are at HA, Adjunct Faculty w/name affiliation) and Junior Fellows. If the title is listed after the person’s name, then it should lowercased. If the title precedes the individual’s name, then it should be capitalized. (Faculty Investigator, Greg Barsh) Also, if the title is listed as a photo caption or pull quote, it’s fine to capitalize it.
fieldtrip one word |
fundraising, fundraiser |
gene – italics the name of genes BRCA1 or BRSK2 |
genetically modified (no hyphen) |
Genetic Counselors are CGC Certified Genetic Counselors not genomic counselors/all are certified |
Greg Barsh, MD, PhD, Faculty Investigator and Faculty Chair and Smith Family Chair in Genomics |
Genome Gateway® (registered) |
HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology on first reference; on second reference, HudsonAlpha or the Institute; do not use HudsonAlpha InstituteHudsonAlpha Genome Sequencing Center (use the HudsonAlpha for name recognition)
Huntington’s Disease |
The HudsonAlpha Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, is the supporting entity for the HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology. |
Tax-deductible contributions to the Foundation are for the sole purpose of advancing the mission of the HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology. |
Tax identification #27-2320591 (this copy must accompany any ask for donation)HudsonAlpha Health Alliance, LLC first usage , second reference the Health Alliance |
Immunogenomics (the conference) |
immunogenomics (the field) |
Information is Power Initiative (use italics) |
internet (not Internet) |
in-kind |
Jane Grimwood, PhD, Faculty Investigator Loretta Purdy Spencer Chair in Genomics
Nothing here yet…
lupus |
use last names in quotes (said Myers) |
mathematics (not math) |
Memory and Mobility Program (M&M Program second reference) |
Use “more than” and not “over” when referring to numbers like More than 35 associate companies |
nonprofit (one word, no hyphen) |
North Alabama capitalize North |
Numbers Spell out one through nine. Use numerals for 10 and above. Use numeral/word combo for large numbers: 8 million, $350 billion |
PhD: Do not say “Dr.,” when the faculty researchers are PhDs and instead add degree after the name. (Neil Lamb, PhD). At second mention, use the last name only (Lamb instead of Dr. Lamb)
Richard Myers, PhD |
PhD … or MD, PhD with no periods. Comma after name Neil Lamb, PhD, is an educator. If it is Greg Barsh, MD, PhD, (MD comes before PhD). If someone has a PhD or MD, it needs to be noted. We usually don’t put degrees below PhD like MS or master’s of science but it can be a case by case like CGC on the clinic site to show we have certified genetic counselors. Other collaborators such as UAB like to use the periods so when providing edits to their press releases, we don’t correct it. But when it’s posted on our website, we’ll remove the periods. |
Percent. spell out – do not use % |
Pharmacogenomics uses information about a person’s genetic makeup to predict their response to certain drugs.
postdoctoral (no hyphen) |
italic when the use of a publications eg. Nature |
PyxisMap official names of SDI’s software (CODICEM also is used by SDI) |
Nothing here yet…
Richard M. Myers when research-type stories like paper published, something discovered in lab, because there is also another researcher named Rick H. Myers. |
Rick Myers when general interest stories (newsletters, local news) |
Shareable Science |
The Smith Family Clinic for Genomic Medicine, LLC is the licensed name use first and then can refer as the after first usage |
SouthSeq |
The Clinical Services Lab, LLC is the licensed name for use first then can refer to as the after first usage |
TRF stands for test request form |
Titles: lowercase (executive director, vice president, faculty investigator) unless the title comes before the name. Like Faculty Investigator, Greg Cooper. |
University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) |
University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) |
Vice President for (not of)
website (one word) |
when listing a web address (not http, etc) or if we can simplify with no www. when it is understood it is a web address, etc. |
HudsonAlpha Wiregrass – use when referencing our overall efforts within the region |
HudsonAlpha Wiregrass Campus – use when referencing our (soon to be) physical presence within the Wiregrass Innovation Center and/or space temporarily occupied during construction of the Center
whole genome sequencing not Whole Genome Sequencing or (WGS) or whole exome sequencing (WES) |
warfarin (brand name Coumadin® and Jantoven®), a blood-thinning medication often prescribed for people at risk for blood clots or heart attacks |
Nothing here yet…
Nothing here yet…
Nothing here yet…