Take your research to the next level with PacBio Revio Long Read Sequencing at HudsonAlpha

The PacBio Revio system has all the capabilities of the Sequel ll and Sequel lle, but with higher throughput. The Revio system uses a high-density, 25 million ZMW SMRT Cell, up to 4 SMRT Cells in parallel sequencing to provide 360 Gb of HiFi reads per day. In addition to this, the advanced algorithms on the Revio system deliver exceptional read accuracy plus methylation calling in every run.

Expected Outcome

Expected yield for CCS sequencing is 80-90Gb of CCS per SMRT cell for human sequencing, 60-90Gb for non-human sequencing.


Decades of experience in genomics and sequencing


We offer fee for service work as well as services for large and small grants

DNA & RNA Offerings

RNA IsoSeq and Kinnex and DNA CCSExpress Library (HiFi)

Full Service

We can help with everything from extraction to analysis depending on your needs

Revio Services

Based on your project needs, we can provide all or a portion of these services.

Long Read Revio Services


Please fill out the form below to provide the necessary details for your quote. This will help us understand your needs and provide an accurate estimate.

Have other questions? Contact us at development@hudsonalpha.org for more information.