Dr. Neil Lamb to serve as President, Dr. Rick Myers to serve as Chief Scientific Officer
HUNTSVILLE, Ala — As HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology continues its rapid economic growth and advancements in genomics and life science research, the HudsonAlpha board of directors announced today the expansion of its executive leadership team. Richard Myers, PhD, current President and Science Director, will serve as HudsonAlpha’s new Chief Scientific Officer and President Emeritus. Neil Lamb, PhD, current Vice President for Educational Outreach, will serve as the new President of the Institute, effective July 1, 2022.
Momentum from growth and campus expansions have driven the need for an expanded executive team to intelligently manage the workload, maintain the vision, and prime the organization for continued success in the future. The Institute is a global leader in using advanced genomic technologies to solve challenges related to human health and modern agriculture, while simultaneously engaging and preparing tomorrow’s bioscience workforce. According to a recent study, HudsonAlpha has generated $3.2 billion economic impact for the state of Alabama between 2006 and 2020, with an increase of $750 million during 2019-2020. The campus is home to more than 1,100 employees and 48 associate life science companies.

Neil Lamb, PhD and Rick Myers, PhD
“Rick Myers and Neil Lamb have been critical to the success, innovation, and growth we’ve seen since Lonnie McMillian and I first launched HudsonAlpha,” said Jim Hudson, HudsonAlpha co-founder and chairman of the board. “With Neil’s vision and work ethic leading the organization along with the innovative research led by Rick, we are truly poised to amplify our work as HudsonAlpha’s reach and impact continue to grow.”
Dr. Rick Myers has been with HudsonAlpha since its doors opened in 2008, serving as President and Science Director, and as the M. A. Loya Chair in Genomics since 2020. Dr. Myers came to HudsonAlpha from Stanford’s Human Genome Center, where he led a team that was a major contributor to the Human Genome Project—the international research effort that sequenced the entire human genome. Today at HudsonAlpha, researchers under Dr. Myers’ leadership apply genomic technology to uncover the causes of human diseases and accelerate discoveries in plants and agriculture. As Chief Scientific Officer, Dr. Myers will devote his focus to scientific discovery, achievement, and momentum while providing strategic support and guidance to Dr. Lamb.
“At HudsonAlpha, our team is creating improvements for humankind every day through research-based discoveries,” said Dr. Myers. “As we take our organization to the next level, it’s critical that we have the tools, resources, and team to continue advancing our research and applying our discoveries in the real world. It is this growth that drives my passion, gives me daily purpose, and excites me for our future. I truly believe the best is yet to come for HudsonAlpha.”
Dr. Neil Lamb came to HudsonAlpha in 2006 with a calling to share his passion for human genetics and biotechnology with others through education. He has led HudsonAlpha’s educational outreach team from conception, creating innovative teacher training and toolkits, student experiences, public enrichment, and digital resources that have reshaped how science education is now delivered. Throughout his tenure as Vice President for Educational Outreach, Dr. Lamb has been a public ambassador for HudsonAlpha and a strategic internal advisor helping guide the Institute’s growth. As President, he will now drive the strategic vision and lead day-to-day operations for the entire organization.
“Rick Myers is not only a close friend and mentor, but the person who introduced me to Jim Hudson and co-founder Lonnie McMillian in the early days of HudsonAlpha,” said Dr. Lamb. “I would not be here if it weren’t for Rick. He has positioned HudsonAlpha for continued growth and success, and I share his vision and excitement for the possibilities of the future. This expansion of our executive team will allow us to focus more resources on our mission and expand our local, regional, and global impact for years to come.”
HudsonAlpha and resident associate companies co-located on the biotech campus in Cummings Research Park (CRP) have continued to expand their footprint in multiple sectors across the biosciences including research, testing and medical labs, pharmaceuticals, agriculture feedstock and chemicals, technology development and medical devices and equipment. The HudsonAlpha campus continues to expand, with new construction underway on a 13,000 square foot agricultural space and a 96,000 square foot global headquarters for resident associate company Discovery Life Sciences.
With this executive expansion, HudsonAlpha will be seeking a new Vice President for Educational Outreach. Find more information in the coming days at www.hudsonalpha.org.
About HudsonAlpha: HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology is a nonprofit institute dedicated to developing and applying scientific advances to health, agriculture, learning, and commercialization. The HudsonAlpha biotechnology campus consists of 152 acres nestled within Cummings Research Park, the nation’s second largest research park. The state-of-the-art facilities co-locate nonprofit scientific researchers with entrepreneurs and educators. HudsonAlpha is a national and international leader in genetics and genomics research and biotech education and fosters more than 48 diverse biotech companies on campus. To learn more about HudsonAlpha, visit hudsonalpha.org.
Nikki Rohling