The Hope Grows Garden: Breast and Ovarian Cancer on the HudsonAlpha campus was created to pay tribute to those who are battling or have battled breast and ovarian cancers as well as those who are working diligently to find new discoveries for these diseases. The garden opened in 2017. The Hope Grows Garden for breast and ovarian cancer is located in McMillian Park. The space for the garden is a tranquil, serene area located on the double helix walking path.
Opportunities to Give
Kimberly Strong, PhD, Memory Area: To recognize the professional and personal impact Dr. Strong had in the field of genetics and genomics.
She courageously shared her own struggle with cancer at the Tie the Ribbons events for the last two years and inspired us all to stay strong. Kim also led the Information is Power initiative at HudsonAlpha and educated us on how genetic cancer screening can help save lives. Her strength and dedication to making a difference in this world seemed to have no boundaries. Donations of any size are welcome.

Benches (4 – $5,000 each): Sitting areas within the garden to reflect and relax. Plaque attached to the bench with the name designated by the donor.
Front flower beds (2 – $2,500 each): Beautiful annuals and perennials in bright and vibrant colors. Recognition sign located at the front of the flower bed with the name designated by the donor.
Shade trees (4 – $1,000 each): Provide shade and act as a canopy for the garden creating a sanctuary for quiet reflection. Recognition sign located in front of each tree with the name designated by the donor.
For more information about donations and naming opportunities in the Hope Grows Garden, please contact the HudsonAlpha Foundation.
Ribbon Pathway: Recognize and remember your mother, sister, wife, daughter, aunt, neighbor or friend with a special tribute on our Ribbon Pathway. The pathway features two options of personalized pavers that people may purchase.
4×8 – $150 (Maximum 3 lines of text 17 characters per line, includes spaces and punctuation)
8×8 – $250 (Maximum 6 lines of text 17 characters per line, includes spaces and punctuation)
8×8 – $400 Custom logo (Contact for more information and spacing requirements)
For questions, please email or call 256-327-9446. Proceeds will benefit HudsonAlpha’s fund for areas of greatest need. We are thankful for your support and hope that you will visit the HudsonAlpha Hope Grows Garden.