Myers Lab
We develop and apply high-throughput DNA sequencing and analysis technologies to study the genetics and genomics of human biology and disease.
The Myers Lab is at the forefront of basic and clinical investigations into human biology and disease. Using cutting-edge genomic technologies and high-throughput next-generation sequencing, we are advancing understanding of gene regulatory systems and how these mechanisms are altered during inception and progression of human disease. One facet of our laboratory is technological development, in which we create innovative techniques to examine molecular entities both individually and genome-wide. We are active members of the ENCylopedia Of DNA Elements (ENCODE) Consortium, producing genome-wide measurements of gene expression, transcription factor binding, and DNA methylation to identify and characterize functional elements within the human genome. We are also comprised of an experienced team of computational biologists that analyze large datasets effectively using the latest developments in analytical tools. Through our application of these genomic resources, we are enhancing our understanding of the biology of human disease and discovering clinically translatable genomic signatures that may impact the diagnosis and treatment of patients.